Leone d'Argento Tournament
The Leone d’Argento (Silver Lion) Tournament is a project with the ambition to conjugate sport and historical accuracy. Atheltes will fight according to the rules of a late-medieval duel. Combatants, besides a good techical and phisical preparation, are required to arm and dress themselves in the most historically accurate fashion. Athletes will be able to apply all techniques described by the most popular fifteenth Century treatises, without limitations. No-holds-barred! Referees will stop the fight only when the combatant’s safety is at risk.
The Tournament follows the Hema in Armis (Historical European Martial Arts in Armour) rules. There are two categories: 'pesanti' (heavy) men-at-arms in full body armour that will fight with pollaxe, logsword and spear, and 'leggeri' (light) or 'lanciotti', lightly armoured infantrymen armed with javelins,rotella shields and short swords.
- 'Pesanti' (Heavily Armoured) Category:
- Cloathing and armour must be historically accurate for 1350 - 1490
- Modern protection is not allowed, besided groin protectors
- Only riveted mail is allowed
- Only the following helmets are allowed:
- Armet: as long as the visor fissure is less than 1 cm
- Sallet : as long as the bevor can be fixed to the helmet and the visor fissure is less than 1 cm
- Bassinet: as long as the visor fissure is less than 1 cm
- Great Bassinet: as long as the visor fissure is less than 1 cm
- All techniques from XVth Century combat tritesies for spear, longsword, polaxe and dagger are allowed. Valid scoring strikes are:
- Cuts (null against plate or mail)
- Strikes (null against plate)
- Polaxe head hits (valid on every target)
- 'Leggeri' (Lightly armored) Category:
- Cloathing and armour (breastplate, helmet, closed greaves, bevor and guantlets) must be historically accurate for 1350 - 1490
- Modern protection is not allowed, besided groin protectors and protective grids for barbute
- Only riveted mail is allowed
- If the cuirass is missing the backplate, a short sleeved mail huberk is required (max tight lenght)
- Only the following helmets are allowed:
- Armet: as long as the visor fissure is less than 1 cm
- Sallet : as long as the bevor can be fixed to the helmet and the visor fissure is less than 1 cm
- Barbuta as long as it has a nasal protection and a protective grid
- All lanciottari (light) techniques from XVth Century manuals are allowed. Valid strikes are:
- Cuts (null against plate or mail)
- Strikes (null against plate)
The event will last two days and will take place in the open. In order to participate in the event,historically accurate clothes, tents and gear are required. Atheltes need a certificate of good health, their own squire and historically accurate weapons and armour.
There will be a banquet the evening of the first day, and an appropriate historical dinner dress is suggested
All attendees are required to pay a fee to cover for the victuals. Athletes will also have to pay an attendance fee whose amount is based on the number of categories they will participate in.
Basic fee: € 50,00
Tournament attendance fee: 1 category € 20,00, € 30,00 for both categories
The enrollment quota can be payed via bank transfer
IBAN: IT62A0503450651000000005922
Athletes can enrol by filling the following form
Phone: Andrea Caielli +393450092856
Email: torneoleonedargento@gmail.com
Where: Castello di Monteruzzo – Via Guglielmo Marconi, 6, 21043 Castiglione Olona VA